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SCCSHA Winter 2022 Newsletter

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Santa Clara County Speech-Language-Hearing Association Newsletter - Winter 2022

Table of Contents

President's Corner

Andrea Goddard

Andrea Goddard MA, CCC-SLP

SCCSHA President 2022-2023

Thank you so much to all the members who attended our first in-person workshop this Fall. It was wonderful to hear from Dr. Willow Sauermilch about the impacts of technology on children and adults. It felt so rejuvenating to take a day to be among other professionals and talking about the importance of social connection, whether playing with technology or not. Dr. Sauermilch's information has stuck with me and led to many interesting conversations with many of my friends and colleagues outside of the speech therapy field.

Our SCCSHA board cannot wait to see you all again at our Winter Workshop, where we will be welcoming Tera Sumpter, an executive functioning guru to come speak to us. If my own school site is anything like the rest of the world. I'm sure we have all noticed some very interesting observations about our students' and clients' abilities to problem solve, plan, and apply higher level thinking to reading and school work.

Join us on Friday, January 20th in San Jose to welcome this amazing presenter. I, personally, didn't realize how much I needed a day away from work or home to expand my thinking and spend time amongst growth-minded professionals. If you have any questions or concerns about COVID, please feel free to reach out to the SCCSHA email and we can talk more about the venue and our precautions.

I hope that everyone in our community has a safe and relaxing holiday season that is filled with that social connection with family and friends who are near or far.

Legislative Corner

Ann England

Ann England

Legislative Liaison



This report was authorized by the Budget Act of 2020, Senate Bill 74 and was submitted in October 2021. The legislation specifically charged the workgroup with studying existing and developing new alternate pathways for students with disabilities to access the core curriculum in order to satisfy the requirements for a high school diploma; developing an alternate diploma aligned to the state’s alternate achievement standards for students with significant cognitive disabilities, consistent with federal law; and other related matters necessary to meet the purpose set forth in this provision.

STATUS: The work described in the report is being completed by WestEd in a contract with the CDE. WestEd will be gathering and developing resources, which they will be providing to the CDE by July 31, 2024.


This report was authorized by the Budget Act of 2020, Senate Bill 74 and was submitted in October 2021. The workgroup was instructed to make recommendations to improve the process for developing individualized education programs (IEPs) for students who are eligible to receive special education and related services.

STATUS: The IEP Template work is being completed by the CCEE (California Collaborative on Educational Excellence) in a contract with the CDE. They are required to form a panel and complete the work on the IEP template and to submit their work by June 30, 2024.

CSHA Bill SB 1453 ABOUT FEES: Signed into law on September 19, 2022

To read more about other speech/language and audiology proposed regulations

Student Corner

SJSU Spartan Logo

Alyson Jimenez

Student Representative

Hello! My name is Alyson and I am very honored to be SCCSHA’s student representative for the 2022 - 2023 year. I am currently enrolled in my first year of graduate school at San Jose State University. I am from Los Angeles and am excited to start working with the Bay Area’s diverse community. As a student who received a bachelor’s in Linguistics and Philosophy, I currently work to support out-of-field undergraduate students from my alma mater, UCLA, to apply to graduate school and pursue a career in Speech-Language Pathology.

This past semester, I worked in a student clinic with adults with intellectual disabilities. It was such a great learning opportunity to learn about intellectual disabilities, to learn how to create lesson plans, and to work on my clinical skills. I had an opportunity in the clinic to host a group session with all the clients in which we played “Hollywood Squares: Movies Edition,” everyone had a fun time! I am looking forward to learning more in my next clinical placement working with kids.

My goal as Student Rep is to increase student involvement in SCCSHA by asking them what they want to see from the organization and encouraging them to participate in the workshops. I will also use our Instagram and Facebook pages to reach out to students and clinicians. Please feel free to email me at if you have any suggestions for potential SCCSHA-student collaborations and any contributions to our social media pages. I look forward to meeting you all in person at our next workshop!

Winter 2022 Workshop Details


Presented by Tera Sumpter

January 20, 2023 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM

0.6 CEUs

Seminar Description

Tera Sumpter's Cognitive Processing Model for Academic Learning provides a structure for assessment and treatment. A variety of cognitive processes are involved in learning including speech development, phonological processing, visual imagery processing for symbols, visual imagery processing for concepts, receptive and expressive language, and executive functions. All of these cognitive components are required for children to develop literacy skills, reading comprehension, content application, organizational and attention abilities, and reasoning skills for academic success. Weakness in one or all of these cognitive processing areas can greatly impact a student's ability to learn and succeed academically. It is imperative that professionals use a comprehensive and integrative cognitive model to assess and treat students so that a complete profile is revealed. Cognitive processes do not function in isolation. They are all related, and therefore should be evaluated and treated in the same manner.

This model of Cognitive Processing for Academic Learning provides an integrated and comprehensive framework for assessment and treatment. It assists the therapist in identifying the root of a student's learning difficulty, targets where the breakdown in processing is occurring, and highlights which aspects of development are impacting each other. In addition, it focuses on aspects of the child's cognitive growth. This model guides the therapist in developing a treatment plan that is individual to each child. Ultimately, we see academic improvement and independence in the students.

Learner Outcomes

  1. The participants will be able to explain the different subsets of the Cognitive Processing Model for Academic Learning and how they are integrated.

  2. The participants will be able to determine the cognitive processing systems related to literacy development.

  3. The participants will be able to develop assessment and treatment protocols for different types of language, literacy, and other related disabilities potentially rooted in executive functions which impact a child's academic learning.

About Our Presenter: Tera Sumpter

Tera Sumpter is a wife, mother of three, author, founder of Seeds of Learning™ LLC, and Speech-Language Pathologist with specialized experience in the areas of reading, executive functioning, and learning disabilities. She is an international presenter on cognitive processing and executive functioning, and former adjunct professor of Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism in the Cleveland State University Speech and Hearing Program.

Tera was a medical Speech-Language Pathologist in both inpatient and outpatient hospital settings before founding Seeds of Learning™ LLC in 2011. Having worked with children in medical and therapeutic settings since 2001, Tera understands the special needs that children and their families encounter when faced with learning difficulties. Tera is committed to providing the highest quality treatment to children, as well as educating and empowering

families. From years of clinical experience and research analysis, Tera has developed a Cognitive Processing Model for Academic Learning which integrates key cognitive components necessary for learning. She is the author of Seeds of Learning: A Cognitive Processing Model for Speech, Language, Literacy, and Executive Functioning.

Winter Workshop Details

We are excited to see you in person on January 20, 2023!

Our workshop will be held at the San Jose Unified School District boardroom:

San Jose School District Board Room

855 Lenzen Ave Suite 105

San Jose, CA 95126

SJUSD has a parking lot and street parking available for attendees.

Registration begins at 7:45 am. Participants will be emailed a copy of the slides prior to the workshop, please print or download them to your device prior to the event.

Certificates of completion will be emailed following the workshop. You must attend the workshop in its entirety to receive CEUs.

COVID Policy - this workshop will be held indoors in a ventilated room. Masks are optional. Outdoor space to eat the provided lunch is available.


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