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SCCSHA Spring 2024 Newsletter

Writer's picture: Kathleen SandysKathleen Sandys

Table of Contents

President's Corner

Shannon Rose, MA CCC-SLP

SCCSHA President 2023–2024

Dear SCCSHA Community,

Spring is upon us! This can be a busy season for us SLPs as we continue our mission to support communication and cultivate connections.

I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to everyone who joined us for our recent virtual workshop on Neurodiversity Affirming Practices, featuring Autistic SLP Rachel Dorsey. We were thrilled to welcome so many professionals to the workshop. Your presence and active participation made the workshop an overwhelming success and filled us with hope for the future of embracing diversity and inclusivity within our field.

Please join us on Friday, May 17th, for our Spring Luncheon featuring Carlin Graveline, SLP, which will focus on the role of SLPs in dyslexia. Tickets go on sale April 1st. We will also be honoring an outstanding SLP who has contributed to our profession with our Honors of the Association, as well as providing a graduate student with our annual scholarship award. Mark your calendar!

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to our association. We are looking to fill some board positions for the next year, so please reach out if you are interested. Also, make sure to renew your membership over the summer to ensure you receive member pricing for our upcoming workshops next year – you won’t want to miss them! As a board, we look forward to continuing on this journey of professional connection and growth together.

Warm regards,

Shannon Rose

President, SCCSHA 2023-2024

Legislative Corner

Ann England

Legislative Liaison

Because You Asked

Some members of SCCSHA have inquired how ASHA benefits them as SLPs in California so I wrote to our California ASHA staff liaison, Eileen Crowe, and asked:

  1. Would you send me the current professional issues you are addressing for SLPs in California?

  2. How does belonging to ASHA directly affect the day-to-day professional issues for SLPs in CA (e.g. workload)?


“Our (ASHA) team addresses a broad range of legislative and regulatory issues in CA. which you can find on the state pages below. 

ASHA collaborates with state associations to advocate on issues which can include workload. 

ASHA also works with our State Education Advocacy Leaders (SEALs), who I've included below, to support local advocacy work on these issues.

If you have additional practice related questions vs. legislative/regulatory questions, please let me know so I can direct you to the appropriate ASHA staff."


Below are some caseload/workload resources for you:

Eileen K. Crowe, Director, State Association Relations/CA Liaison

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

2200 Research Blvd. #220 | Rockville, MD 20850-3289 | Direct Line:  301-296-5667

National Office: 301-296-5700 |

Vice President's Corner

Francie Arboleda

Vice President

This month, we had the opportunity to collaborate with our National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) group at San Jose State University (SJSU) to host a student workshop on IEPs. We were pleased to see a strong turnout of undergraduate students enrolled in the Communicative Disorders department at SJSU. During the workshop, we covered the basics of the IEP process, the foundations of legally defensible IEP meetings and paperwork, as well as two different models for conducting IEP meetings (facilitated vs. traditional).

The students posed insightful questions that sparked meaningful discussions between the practicing clinicians and students. This opportunity allowed us to connect with students who are the future of our profession, gaining a better understanding of their need to engage with practicing SLPs. Following the workshop, many students inquired about observation hours and asked general questions about various settings and experiences. As someone who once was a student myself, eager to learn as much as possible about the field, observe clinicians in different settings, and engage in practical discussions, I now appreciate the importance of continuing these opportunities for SCCSHA-NSSLHA collaboration. This experience emphasized to me the importance of reaching out and supporting our students, the next generation in our field. Amidst the ongoing developments in speech-language pathology and audiology, it's evident that changes are needed and the field requires continued protection. Embracing our students enables them to learn best practices, navigate interprofessional collaboration, and develop professionalism, providing them with the foundational skills necessary to carry on our work.

I extend my gratitude to all the SLPs and SJSU students who made this event possible.  I can’t wait to see what we do in the future.

Student Corner

Lana Ballou

Student Representative

I’m delighted to share the success of our recent IEP workshop, hosted in collaboration with SJSU NSSLHA. It was truly an enriching experience, with participants delving deep into the intricacies of IEP processes. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event a success! Our primary goal was to strengthen ties with SJSU NSSLHA, and I'm pleased the workshop served as a fantastic platform for fostering collaboration and camaraderie between our organizations. Another key objective was to increase student memberships, and I’m beginning to see a surge in enthusiasm from students eager to engage with our SCCSHA community.

For our student SCCSHA members, stay tuned for exciting updates regarding the SCCSHA scholarship. SCCSHA is dedicated to supporting our members' academic pursuits and looks forward to providing more details soon. Also, mark your calendars for our upcoming spring luncheon where the topic will delve into "The Role of SLPs in Literacy Intervention” with special guest Carlin Graveline, who will provide valuable insights and spark enriching discussions.

Thank you once again to everyone who contributed to the success of our IEP workshop. Your enthusiasm and dedication are what make our community thrive. I am hopeful for many more collaborations and engaging events ahead!

Spring 2024 Luncheon Workshop

Down syndrome, Apraxia, Dyslexia, CAP, ASD, DHH, ADHD: WTF - Where's the Focus?


Seminar Description

You have likely heard some (or a lot!) of buzz recently around the term Science of Reading. Perhaps you have seen teachers putting up sound walls or have had colleagues asking you about mouth pictures and articulatory gestures. What is going on? In this seminar, we will explore current trends and research in literacy instruction and intervention, understand the relationship between spoken and written language, and unpack what our roles and scope of practice as SLPs are.

We will begin with a brief explanation of literacy acquisition, including an overview of

neural pathways associated with literacy and prominent reading models to conceptualize what literacy proficiency entails. We will discuss how to tailor evidence-based intervention to the specific areas of need for our students, weaving real student profiles and practical examples throughout.

Upon completion of the seminar, attendees will be able to:

  • Identify the signs and symptoms of literacy disorders across different age groups.

  • Implement effective intervention strategies targeting specific areas of literacy, such as phonological awareness, vocabulary, and comprehension.

  • Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to develop comprehensive literacy intervention plans.

  • Monitor progress and adjust intervention strategies based on individualized needs and response to treatment.

Workshop Agenda

8:00 - 8:30

Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:30 - 10:00

Welcome & Seminar

10:00 - 10:15


10:15 - 11:45


11:45 - 1:00

Luncheon, Honors of the Association, Student Scholarship, Raffle, and Closing Remarks

About Our Presenter: Carlin Graveline

Sandy Kaul, reading a book to two children.

Association Updates

Every Spring at our luncheon, we honor a professional in our community who has contributed to our field. If you would like to nominate an SLP or audiologist who you respect and would like to see honored, please fill out this form by May 1st.

We are currently taking applications for the SCCSHA student scholarship. If you are an undergraduate or graduate student completing your degree in Speech Language Pathology or Audiology, please complete the application by May 1st to be considered.

Proposed SCCSHA Bylaw Updates

The SCCSHA board is proposing the follow changes to the SCCSHA bylaws:

Current Article 1: Membership, Section 1. Membership, Dues, and Payment

A. Membership is from end of the spring luncheon to the end of the subsequent spring luncheon.

B. Membership dues for all members shall be decided by the Executive Board and approved by a two- thirds vote of the Board.

Proposed Article 1: Membership, Section 1. Membership, Dues, and Payment

A. Membership is valid for 12 months from the date the individual purchases the membership.

B. Membership dues for all members shall be decided by the Executive Board and approved by a two- thirds vote of the Board.

Current: Article 5: Publications, Section 2. Association Directory

A. The Association will maintain an active directory of board association members who elect to have their information published through online directory depicted on SCCSHA’s website.

Proposed Article 5: Publications, Section 2. Association Directory

A. The Association will maintain an active directory of members who elect to provide their information for the purpose of association announcements and functions, networking, and student observation opportunities.

Current Article 8: Calendar, Section 1. Association Calendar

A. Membership shall be for a period of one (1) year from spring luncheon to spring luncheon.

B. The fiscal year shall be from spring luncheon to spring luncheon of each year.

C. The term of office year shall be from spring luncheon to spring luncheon.

Proposed Article 8: Calendar, Section 1. Association Calendar

A. Membership shall be for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase of the membership. 

B. The fiscal year shall be from spring luncheon to spring luncheon of each year.

C. The term of office year shall be from spring luncheon to spring luncheon.

A. Membership shall be for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase of the membership. 

Current Article 10: Amendments, Section 1. Amendments to the Bylaws

A. Proposed Bylaw changes shall be voted on by the Executive Board and shall then be submitted to the membership via electronic communication.

B. The SCCSHA newsletter must advise the membership of the proposed changes to the Bylaws that will be voted on by mail or electronically within a thirty (30) day period, or at the next Annual Luncheon Meeting of the Association.

C. A two-thirds vote of the active and retiree members who participate in the vote shall be required to pass any amendments to the Bylaws.

Proposed Article 10: Amendments, Section 1. Amendments to the Bylaws

A. Proposed Bylaw changes shall be voted on by the Executive Board and shall then be submitted to the membership via electronic communication.

B. The SCCSHA newsletter must advise the membership of the proposed changes to the Bylaws that will be voted on electronically within a thirty (30) day period, or at the next Annual Luncheon Meeting of the Association.

C. A two-thirds vote of the active and retiree members who participate in the vote shall be required to pass any amendments to the Bylaws.

Current Section 2. Standing Rules for Scholarships

A. The Association offers a scholarship in the amount of $500 to a graduate student in the field of Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology.

B. The scholarship money will be paid directly to the student’s university or college for tuition fees.

C. Candidates will be selected based upon the following criteria:

  1. The candidate must be a full-time graduate level student.

  2. The candidate must be a current member of the Santa Clara County Speech-Language Hearing Association (SCCSHA).

  3. The candidate must have successfully completed at least one semester at the graduate level (in the field) at the time of the application.

  4. The candidate must submit transcripts (unofficial are acceptable) with application.

  5. The candidate must be enrolled in a college/university in Santa Clara County or be a resident of Santa Clara County.

  6. The candidate must have a minimum 3.5 GPA at the graduate level.

  7. The candidate must enclose with the application one letter of recommendation from a professor or instructor from his/her graduate program who can attest to the candidate’s academic performance or clinical skills.

  8. The candidate must complete an application.

Proposed Section 2. Standing Rules for Scholarships

A. The Association offers a scholarship in the amount of $500 to a graduate or undergraduate student in the field of Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology.

B. The scholarship money will be paid directly to the student’s university or college for tuition fees.

C. Candidates will be selected based upon the following criteria:

  1. The candidate must be a full-time student.

  2. The candidate must be a current member of the Santa Clara County Speech-Language Hearing Association (SCCSHA).

  3. The candidate must have successfully completed at least 4 classes in the field of Communication or Audiology at the time of the application.

  4. The candidate must submit transcripts (unofficial are acceptable) with application.

  5. The candidate must be enrolled in a college/university in Santa Clara County or be a resident of Santa Clara County.

  6. The candidate must have a minimum 3.5 GPA at the graduate level.

  7. The candidate must enclose with the application one letter of recommendation from a professor or instructor from his/her speech language pathology program who can attest to the candidate’s academic performance or clinical skills.

  8. The candidate must complete an application.

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