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SCCSHA Fall 2023 Newsletter

Writer's picture: Kathleen SandysKathleen Sandys

Table of Contents

President's Corner

Shannon Rose, MA CCC-SLP

SCCSHA President 2023–2024

Dear SCCSHA community,

Your SCCSHA board is eagerly anticipating an exciting year of connecting, networking, and learning!

We hosted some fantastic workshops last year, featuring dynamic SLPs who are making a difference in our field. We observed an increase in in-person attendance at our workshops as the year progressed and had the opportunity to establish many meaningful connections. This year, we are committed to continuing to reconnect, engaging our members, and collaborating with our local speech pathology and audiology student organizations. We are thrilled to offer inspiring and relevant professional development opportunities this year. Additionally, we are pleased to welcome our newest board members:

  • Francie Arboleda, Vice-President

  • Julie Chen, CEU Chairperson

  • Lana Ballou, Student Representative, San Jose State University

You won't want to miss our Fall Workshop, where we will be honored to welcome Marcella McCollum, Ed.D., a bilingual SLP and Assistant Professor at San Jose State University. Marcella will be sharing her knowledge about Best Practices and Practical Strategies for Working with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations. Please join us on Friday, October 27, 2023, at Oak Grove School District in San Jose to gain insights into best practices, assessments, goals, and services, among other related topics!

Membership has its perks! By becoming an SCCSHA member, you will also receive a 20% discount on all of our workshops this year. This includes not only our Fall workshop featuring Dr. McCollum but also our virtual Winter workshop on January 26, 2024 with Rachel Dorsey, SLP, who will educate us about neurodiversity-affirming practices, and our May luncheon featuring Carlin Graveline, SLP, who will discuss the role of SLPs in literacy intervention. Membership and workshop tickets can be purchased through our website

We look forward to seeing you in October for a day of learning and connecting!

Legislative Corner

Ann England

Legislative Liaison

Strong Focus on Inclusive Education in California Schools in 2023 School Year

SLPs are well aware that special education is not a separate place nor a class that a student is “in.” The term refers to specially designed instruction, supports and services that enable a student with a disability to fully access and make progress in their academic and social-emotional learning alongside peers with and without disabilities.

The California Department of Education (CDE) is focused on improving opportunities for students with disabilities to thrive within an integrated general education system, where universally designed teaching and learning is implemented. CDE has funded millions of dollars to various resources to ensure equity and access to improve outcomes for all students.

The SLP is a critical member of the student’s team not only to provide the supports and strategies to ensure success and educational benefit but also to promote the mindset that all students belong and can achieve by modeling behaviors that demonstrate that every student is valued, supported and belongs.

School-based SLPs are encouraged to cultivate collaborative partnerships among general and special educators and make a concerted effort to participate in their school’s commitment to research-based teaching and learning practices that supports inclusive practices for students with extensive support needs such as: Universal Design for Learning (UDL); Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS); Social Emotional Learning (SEL); Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), etc.

To Learn More About Resources That Support Inclusive Education:

Supporting Inclusive Practices (SIP):

California Early Childhood Special Education Network:

Inclusion Collaborative:

Myths and Facts About Inclusionary Practices:

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

CA Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS):

CA Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS):

Social Emotional Learning: CASEL:

Student Corner

Lana Ballou

Student Representative

Hello everyone! My name is Lana Ballou, and I am the new 2023-2024 student representative for SCCSHA. Allow me to share a bit about myself; I am a senior undergraduate student majoring in Communicative Disorders and Sciences with a minor in Deaf Education at San Jose State University. My aspirations involve becoming a speech-language pathologist in the medical field, and currently, I am in the process of applying to graduate schools to achieve this goal of mine.

This past year has provided me with the opportunity to become involved in SCCSHA through workshops and networking with other current SLPs, which have already taught me so much about the field. My goal this year, as a student representative, is to share this knowledge with as many students as possible. Additionally, I hold the position of treasurer in the SJSU NSSLHA chapter, and I aim to use my platform to reach out to the next generation of speech-language pathologists and audiologists, providing them with the same networking and learning opportunities I have enjoyed.

I also hope to establish a strong foundation and bridge between SCCSHA and NSSLHA at SJSU, fostering a robust connection between current professionals and students aspiring to reach this position. We plan to host and collaborate on developing workshops and networking events that will benefit not only students entering the field but also current SCCSHA members. I am eagerly looking forward to implementing all the exciting plans we have in store!

Fall 2023 Workshop:

Best Practices and Practical Strategies for Working With Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations

Down syndrome, Apraxia, Dyslexia, CAP, ASD, DHH, ADHD: WTF - Where's the Focus?


October 27, 2023

7:45 - 3:00 PM

0.6 CEUs

Oak Grove School District Board Room:

6578 Santa Teresa Boulevard

San Jose, CA 95119

OGSD has a parking lot, with additional parking lots nearby.

Seminar Description

Both new and experienced clinicians sometimes struggle to feel confident in providing culturally and linguistically supportive practices in their settings. This seminar will provide attendees with an overview of bilingual assessment, resources for helping navigate language difference vs disorder, special education law, and appropriate treatment ideas.

Considerations for collaboration with interpreters and translators will be discussed, as well as practical strategies for implementing in their settings. This workshop will focus on pediatric populations, but many tools are relevant for all ages.

Learners Outcomes

At the completion of the presentation, attendees will be able to:

  • Identify laws related to assessment of multilingual students, in particular eligibility for special education

  • State five considerations for collaborating with interpreters and translators

  • List practical strategies for effective therapy with students who are multilingual

Workshop Agenda

7:30 - 8:00


8:00 - 9:00

Welcome & Landscape and Laws Related to Assessment

10:00 - 10:10


10:10 - 11:15

Reintroduction to Formal Testing - Testing Without Tests

11:15 - 12:15


12:15 - 12:45


12:45 - 1:45

Goals and Services - Suggestions for Dos and Dont's

1:50 - 2:00


2:00 - 3:00

Monday Motivation: Strategies and Resources for Increasing Culturally Sustaining Treatment

CEU Process Update

What to expect at workshops moving forward:

  • Sign in with a board member for in-person events. Attendance will be monitored for online events. You must attend the workshop in its entirety to receive CEUs.

  • After the course, complete the survey link as the record of course completion.

  • Certificates will be available for download in 7 days after survey completion.

About Our Presenter: Dr. Marcella Cardoza McCollum

Sandy Kaul, reading a book to two children.

Dr. Marcella Cardoza McCollum is a bilingual speech-language pathologist, undergraduate program coordinator, and assistant professor at San José State University. For nearly 20 years, Marcella has focused on equitable services for diverse populations by serving on committees, developing guidelines, providing workshops at the local, state, national, and international level, and mentoring students, SLPAs, and clinical fellows. She has worked in university clinics, hospitals, public schools, and private practice settings. Dr. McCollum has partnered with teachers, doctors, audiologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, psychologists, social workers, and music therapists to support patients, clients, and students holistically. She has strong ties to California, having served multiple roles for the California Speech-Language Hearing Association, including her current role as board chair. In her non-academic time, Marcella enjoys traveling with her family and reading poolside.

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